Coffee Creek Studio ~ Newborn Photography

Okay, I’ll just admit it. I attract all the babies with the good hair. Newborn baby girl Alice is no exception. She came in with her head over heels in love Mom and Dad. It is hard, in fact, not to be head over heels in love with baby Alice. She’s the cutest little baby girl. I had a great time photographing her with her parents…who I’ve had the pleasure of photographing since their engagement session and wedding! You may recognize them from my promo video too! I have LOVED getting to know them and now their sweet little baby Alice (which also happens to be both of our grandma’s names!) So…Alice is also our newest Creek Rat since her Mommy and Daddy had their wedding at Coffee Creek Ridge!

Baby girl Alice was a natural in front of my camera. I got so many expressions from her sweet little face. She happily slept (literally, look at the sweet sleepy smiles!) for almost the entire time she was in my studio. Because she was so sleepy I got to use a wide variety of props with her. With her fair complexion and dark hair, she looked great in every color. I have a small light teal fur I use inside a prop bowl and she looked like she was floating on cotton candy in her dreams. That prop produced one of those big sleepy smiles I was talking about!

In my small vintage baby crib with a vintage pink baby bonnet on, newborn Alice looked like she would have fit right in at a tea party in Wonderland. My favorite pose might have been her asleep with her chin in her hands in my tiny wooden chair. She looked like she could have just fallen asleep on her own in that pose. The quilt she is wrapped in is the same family-heirloom quilt they brought to use during their engagement session…how special!! I love incorporating such special family treasures especially when it’s an awesome vintage quilt!

Welcome to the world sweet baby Alice!

Coffee Creek Studio is based out of Shelbyville, Indiana, and is owned and operated by Amy Haehl, who specializes in engagement, wedding, maternity and newborn photography, as well as mentoring other photographers. Coffee Creek Studio serves Indianapolis, Indiana and all surrounding areas.



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